Greetings, people! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and ate lots of pie. I personally find that after spending days on end whipping up an extravagant meal I have little to no interest in actually eating it. Sad but true. If you are on Twitter, I am sure you had plenty of opportunity to see how our friends the Housewives celebrated. I missed it myself but don’t feel too broken up about it. Elsewhere:
* Camille has had to file an emergency petition to prevent Frasier, his new beard, and their new baby from moving into a Beverly Hills home Camille and Frase co-own which they have on the market for $16M. This is one of the many properties subject to their divorce, and the plan was that it was to be sold, its giant mortgage paid off, and the proceeds split equally. Now Frase wants to move in despite the fact that he and the beard just bought a different house also in the BH9. You know, he makes a lot of weird gestures toward Camille (refusing to speak her name or even talk to her directly about their kids, ditching TV interviews where she is mentioned in the opening credits, shipping her stuff out of their houses, having his wife dress up as her for Halloween, etc.) and seems to want us all to think that she’s the crazy one he just tolerated all this time. Methinks this all speaks for itself.
* Kim Zolciak’s last RHOA episode will run this Sunday (I think), and from there she is getting her own spin-off! Kim has been busy telling the world that she was the one who decided to leave RHOA, but NeNe, of course, wants the world to know Kim was fired. When you end up with your own show, like Bethenny, I think the terms of the departure from your previous one really don’t matter – you got upgraded, and who cares what NeNe thinks?
* RHOC recently filmed Tammy Sue’s bachelorette party in Mexico, where the guests included Gretch, Heather, Vic (surprise!) and a new gal who is rumored to be a new housewife. Her name is Lydia Stirling McLaughlin, she is an editrix at Beverly Hills Lifestyle (the magazine for which The Glands was photo shot this episode), and looks like a brunette Barbie. Personally, I think bachelorette parties for the over 40 previously-wed are tacky, but maybe that’s just me. Surely this one will be.
* And finally, there’s been much futzing and fartsing about who is in and who is out on RHONJ, especially whether Danielle Staub will be back. As of today it seems everyone is back, a few new ‘friends of Teresa’ may be in, and Danielle was really only filming a one-on-one WWHL with Mr. Andy in the first place, which may never run because she wanted a lot of money for it. So long, sucker.
For more of my observations on an assortment of reality programming as well as a wide range of other subjects that get me talking, be sure to stop by my blog at Let’s go to the Wine Summit!
I really thought the house looked like the “Bachelor” house. Loved your recap!