Bonjour, kittycats! Another Adrienne- and Tay-free episode, and in the City of Light? It’s like Christmas AND Hanukkah, with a little Festivus tossed in just for giggles! While we were admiring ourselves in our new berets, here’s what else was going on:
* The RHOBH reunion filmed on Friday – Adrienne skipped it, and Camille and Marisa were asked not to come. It seems Adrienne’s litigious nature has caught her on the backside with a whole bunch of gag orders and other stuff which would have meant she couldn’t have responded to anything anyone said to her about ___________, her divorce, Dr. Paul’s alleged abuse, Bernie the Enforcer, or anything else, so she just didn’t come. RealityTea has a nice review of the situation and correctly points out that pretty much everything Adrienne has said about anyone else has been proven false, whereas everything anyone has said about Adrienne has turned out to be entirely correct. Adrienne does like to talk about karma a lot, and it seems she would know.
* So that is … Continue reading