Bonjour, kittycats! Another Adrienne- and Tay-free episode, and in the City of Light? It’s like Christmas AND Hanukkah, with a little Festivus tossed in just for giggles! While we were admiring ourselves in our new berets, here’s what else was going on:

* The RHOBH reunion filmed on Friday – Adrienne skipped it, and Camille and Marisa were asked not to come. It seems Adrienne’s litigious nature has caught her on the backside with a whole bunch of gag orders and other stuff which would have meant she couldn’t have responded to anything anyone said to her about ___________, her divorce, Dr. Paul’s alleged abuse, Bernie the Enforcer, or anything else, so she just didn’t come. RealityTea has a nice review of the situation and correctly points out that pretty much everything Adrienne has said about anyone else has been proven false, whereas everything anyone has said about Adrienne has turned out to be entirely correct. Adrienne does like to talk about karma a lot, and it seems she would know.

* So that is … Continue reading


I’m back. My week off from Bravo (and recapping) turned out to be a week off from TV in its entirety, something of a fast, I suppose. Sadly without weight loss. Apparently I missed Kim’s nose’s quinceneara and another White Party, at which Dr. Paul essentially admitted the truth of The Glands’ litigation allegation, much to Adrienne’s dismay. Oh, and Lisa’s old house burned down causing Adrienne to run amok. I’d hate to be stuck with that fool in a real emergency. Also happening:

* Lisa Vanderpump has been announced as a competitor on the next season of DWTS! It seems like something of an older-skewing group, although that may be because I don’t know who half of them are. It’s hard to say whether she’s technically the first Housewife to land on DWTS, as Joanna Krupa from RHOM was on DWTS before she became a Housewife (which was kind of odd in the first place), but regardless you know NeNe and Tree are steamed because DWTS is definitely a bigger deal than The Apprentice … Continue reading

February 26th, 2013 | 4 Comments | Posted in The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 3


Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. Last week Steve asked me when this season is going to be over because it seems like it has been going on forever. I can’t help but agree. But we must be getting near the end, as the White Party is upon us next week! I will be in a remote location with neither internet nor Bravo, so I will miss the party and won’t have a recap next Tuesday. I’ll try to catch up when I return. In the news:

– Phaedra Parks has shared that she has only gained 11 lbs. with her current pregnancy. Everybody knows you are only supposed to gain 25-35 total.

– The Glands’ book is out, and already selling fantastically well according to Amazon. It’s #60 overall and top five for various subcategories, and the reader reviews are generally quite positive (other than the predictable handful who find all things Glands, such as vaginal rejuvenation, totally appalling).

– The LA cop who allegedly went on a … Continue reading

February 12th, 2013 | 1 Comment | Posted in The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 3