Part Deux of the BH Reunion and my second recap of the day…. what a cruel April Fools joke Mr. Andy has played on me by packing these California broads all into one night. We pick up where we left off, with the Richards Sisters arguing with Yo about whether or not she’s nice. Lisa tells everyone that she believes Yo that no Airport Conversation took place, because it wasn’t on camera and stuff Kyle said that was mean was, which to me is an answer that doesn’t make sense except to say that she’s on Team Yo, b*tches. Mr. Andy asks Lisa who she trusts, and she basically trusts everyone except Tay’s just okay and Kyle, well, she loves her but they have issues. Kyle says the future of their friendship is in Lisa’s hands. I’d say.
The Oof-Ifs
Time to discuss the elephant in the room, or the plastic circus lion who’s not, as the case may be: Adrienne, and the demise of the Oof-If marriage. Mr. Andy asks the ladies what they thought of that marriage; Kyle thought they were cute together with their little banter and shtick. Lisa knew he’d moved out a couple of times, though, so she always thought there was trouble. Mr. Andy reads a quote from Adrienne about The Glands’ inappropriate ongoing friendship with Dr. Paul in which she blames The Glands for destroying her family; The Glands shares that Dr. Paul reached out to her to apologize for the stuff Bernie the Enforcer pulled, actually. The Glands’ assessment that the marriage was a ‘business relationship’ was formed when she saw the Oof-Ifs kiss in Hawaii, which we are forced to relive; it was, indeed, gross and pitiful. What do the girls think about Adrienne dating Lil’ Rod? Kyle, who has known him since he was a child, is “shocked”. The Glands says she’s met him and he’s sweet, and it’s an “odd coupling”. LIke skunks and Siamese cats.
Mr. Andy then asks about Bernie the Enforcer’s allegations that Dr. Paul beat Adrienne. Kyle is firm that there was never any indication of such conduct. The Glands says that Bernie “seeks attention” and Lisa says that Adrienne implicitly supports Bernie making these attention-seeking allegations, because if such things were said about Mr. Lisa Lisa would “vociferously deny” it and Adrienne’s silence connotes encouragement. Mr. Andy talks about the allegations that Paul was abusive to the children made during the Oof-If divorce; Kyle finds this shocking, too, and doesn’t believe it. Lisa and Tay point out that during the whole season 2 storyline of Tay being abused Adrienne never said anything about any abuse in her house, and in fact didn’t even believe Tay until she showed up with a black eye. Tay, who supposedly asked Adrienne to be godmother to Lil’ Kennedy, has lost respect for Adrienne. Me, too.
More discussion about Kim’s sobriety and how suggestions she is flaky or wavering in her resolve hurt her. Does Lisa have a teeny-tiny tattoo on her ankle? It looks like a little bow tie. Kim gets mad that Yo makes comments about her, Kim, not remembering stuff, and then Yo turns and blames her delicate Lyme disease condition for everything she’s said that she regrets. The Glands butts in by reminding Kimmy that Yo carried Kim’s pillow “with a sh*tstain on it through the Paris airport”, and The Glands knows it was poop because she smelled it. Good grief, even with Housewives there is a threshold of TMI and we have crossed it. Kim accuses The Glands of jumping in and being a “mean, naughty girl”. I think this may turn The Glands on. The Glands says she thinks Kyle doubts her sister too much and that at some point it starts to seem like Kyle actually wants to see Kim fail, and Kyle loses it because that’s really so mean and I feel bad for her. Kim and Kyle talk about how Kyle’s doubtful talk and choices of words hurts Kim. The Glands apologizes, sort of, to Kyle for saying she thinks Kyle wants to see Kim fail, but points out that Kyle’s doubts have “hurt Kim’s heart”. Kyle snipes that things The Glands has said have hurt hearts, too, so zip it.
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