Back again to more absurdity in the BH9. Buckle up now, babies. Before that, the news:

* The big general gossip is all about The Glands and the various crises she is having. She’s getting a non-cancerous tumor removed from her boobie sometime soon; she’s getting sued by the Oof-Ifs (more on that later); and her public dispute with Mr. and Mrs. LeeAnn Rimes continues. Mr. LeeAnn continues to lob accusations that The Glands is a neglectful mother who is just as boozy as she claims his current wife to be. On the bright side, this past week LeeAnn gave an interview on E! with Giuliana Rancic that must have been intended to improve the public’s perception of her; said interview apparently failed miserably, and The Glands says advance sales of her memoir got a big boost.

* Someone also told RadarOnline that The Glands is phonying up her disputes with her fellow cast members, and in real life she’s super chill and rational. Apparently no one gave the memo to the Oof-Ifs. Mr. & … Continue reading


Quite a night for the BH9ers. Quite a night. I’m pretty sure that’s the first time we’ve seen Adrienne fershnicked. Before we get to that, the news:

* Over the weekend, The Glands got into a Twitter confrontation with LeeAnn Rimes, who had posted that she was traveling for the weekend with “her boys” and how her world just feels more right when they are all together. The Glands bit and replied to all a reminder that they are HER – The Glands’ – boys, and only LeeAnn’s stepchildren… for now. LeeAnn followed up with a post about positivity, of course. Who are LeeAnn’s fans? I know she has a lot of followers on Twitter, but I can’t figure out if they are people who actually like her (and if so, why), or if they are just trying to encourage the train wreck. The Glands would do well to disregard, but I realize then she might not have much of a book, so…

* Kyle told some publication somewhere that even though Adrienne and Lisa … Continue reading


Greetings, people! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and ate lots of pie. I personally find that after spending days on end whipping up an extravagant meal I have little to no interest in actually eating it. Sad but true. If you are on Twitter, I am sure you had plenty of opportunity to see how our friends the Housewives celebrated. I missed it myself but don’t feel too broken up about it. Elsewhere:

* Camille has had to file an emergency petition to prevent Frasier, his new beard, and their new baby from moving into a Beverly Hills home Camille and Frase co-own which they have on the market for $16M. This is one of the many properties subject to their divorce, and the plan was that it was to be sold, its giant mortgage paid off, and the proceeds split equally. Now Frase wants to move in despite the fact that he and the beard just bought a different house also in the BH9. You know, he makes a lot of weird … Continue reading

November 27th, 2012 | 1 Comment | Posted in The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 3