Today is the day! After a long-awaited, slow and painful death, we have finally arrived at the unceremonious end of the Oof-If marriage. Before we get to that, the news roundup:

* Ms. Oof herself is again pretending to be involved in a scandalous cougar-type (my autocorrect wants to make that “codger-type”, which is probably more correct) relationship with Lil’ Rod, after announcing last week that they had mutually parted ways. On last night’s WWHL Mr. Andy formally announced that Adrienne had not come to the reunion, that we have seen the last of her as she is not coming back next season, and that Adrienne and Mr. Andy are never, ever, ever getting back together. So if this “relationship” is a play for attention and a storyline for next season, Ms. Oof may need to restrategize.

* Also in Beverly Hills, Marisa has closed the sale of her MIL’s house at $21MM, never having formally listed the property and entertained all offers privately. Interestingly, Mauricio was not named as a listing agent and therefore … Continue reading


Bonjour! Am I the only person who watched last night’s incredibly boring episode of RHOBH? I am guessing yes, what with all the built-up anticipation over The Letter on The Bachelor. So much ado about so much nothing. Not a lot of Housewife news, either, except:

* Adrienne and Lil’ Rod broke up, which is a colossally stunning development seeing as Bravo officially told her they were not interested in that potential storyline last week. In other Adrienne news, Tamara Tattles posted the only known “before” photo of Adrienne, originally printed in Star or some such tabloid. Oh, and Adrienne, who serves soapy chicken for dinner, is opening a restaurant to compete with Villa Blanca. No thank you.

* In other Stewart news, Big Rod told TMZ that his current wife, one Penny Lancaster, is officially not interested in becoming a new BH Wife.

* Kim Zolciak and Kandi Burruss are having some ridiculous blog/twitter bicker over whether or not Kim “stole” Kandi’s dream baby boy name, Kash, for her second son. Considering (a) … Continue reading


Bonjour, kittycats! Another Adrienne- and Tay-free episode, and in the City of Light? It’s like Christmas AND Hanukkah, with a little Festivus tossed in just for giggles! While we were admiring ourselves in our new berets, here’s what else was going on:

* The RHOBH reunion filmed on Friday – Adrienne skipped it, and Camille and Marisa were asked not to come. It seems Adrienne’s litigious nature has caught her on the backside with a whole bunch of gag orders and other stuff which would have meant she couldn’t have responded to anything anyone said to her about ___________, her divorce, Dr. Paul’s alleged abuse, Bernie the Enforcer, or anything else, so she just didn’t come. RealityTea has a nice review of the situation and correctly points out that pretty much everything Adrienne has said about anyone else has been proven false, whereas everything anyone has said about Adrienne has turned out to be entirely correct. Adrienne does like to talk about karma a lot, and it seems she would know.

* So that is … Continue reading